
Welcome to GPOP!
GPOP, an acronym for Governance and President’s Office Professionals, is the shortened version of our formal name, CICan: GPOP/PGBDG.

Collectively, we are an independent national body made up of a network of peers who provide support to the Board or President/CEO of any public college, institution, cégep, university or other organization within the Canadian post-secondary education sector.

GPOP’s mission is dedicated to elevating the level of expertise held by governance and president’s office professionals in public Canadian post-secondary education institutions and other associated organizations, providing networking, mentoring and other professional development opportunities that benefit individual members and their institutions.

In launching our name, ratified in both English and French, we also proudly reflect our alignment with CICan: Colleges and Institutes Canada. Thus, we are CICan: Governance and President’s Office Professionals (GPOP) or, in French, Professionnels de la gouvernance et des bureau des directeurs généraux de CICan (PGBDG).

Want to learn more about the benefits of being a member of GPOP? Please see our Join GPOP page.
